Hunting Buddy's

Hey Everybody.

Welcome! To Episode 67 of the metal detecting show podcast. My Name is Ciaran and I have been Metal Detecting for nearly 30 Years. This week I want to speak of a love that has no name and that is the love you have for your hunting buddy or if you haven’t yet felt the sandpaper like application of sun cream then this is the episode for you as I try  to help you  find a hunting partner or buddy.

Hey everyone before we start I want to thank you for listening to the podcast and I hope you enjoy the episode this week  If you want to support the show there are many options available from the links in the episode notes below and if you want to interact with me and the show that information is there too.

but most importantly If you like this content please don’t hesitate to tell your friends and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.

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